Game Assets

This section deals with all those functions related to the games assets.

In GameMaker: Studio you can define various types of game assets (or resources), like sprites, sounds, fonts and backgrounds and each asset type has its own selection of codes for modifying them, using them and moving them during your game. Many even have functions that permit you to load and save these resources into your game while it is running, but be warned though - Changing resources easily leads to serious errors in your games! As such it is a good idea to follow the following rules when changing resources:

In general, you should try not to change any resources during game play, and it is better create and change the resources at the beginning of the game or even at the beginning of a room.

Information on resources can be found in the following pages:

  1. Sprites
  2. Backgrounds
  3. Audio
  4. Fonts
  5. Paths
  6. Timelines
  7. Rooms

There are two extra functions related to the handling game assets. These functions can be used to find the unique index value for any given asset and the type of asset that it is, which opens the door to dynamically creating game assets from strings (for example):

  1. asset_get_index
  2. asset_get_type

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