
Returns the type of game asset referenced from its name.



Argument Description
name The name of the game asset to get the type of (a string).

Returns: Constant


With this function you can get the type of asset being referenced from it s name (a string). The following constants are returned:

Constant Description
asset_object The given name refers to an object.
asset_sprite The given name refers to a sprite.
asset_sound The given name refers to a sound.
asset_room The given name refers to a room.
asset_background The given name refers to a background.
asset_path The given name refers to a path.
asset_script The given name refers to a script.
asset_font The given name refers to a font.
asset_timeline The given name refers to a time line.
asset_unknown The given name refers to an asset that either does not exist, or is not one of the above listed.


if asset_get_type("pth_Path_" + string(global.Game)) == asset_unknown
   show_debug_message("Path doesn't exist!!!");
   path_index = asset_get_index("pth_Path_" + string(global.Game));

The above code checks a dynamically created asset name to see if the asset is of the correct type. If it is not, then a debug message will be shown, otherwise the asset name is used to assign the asset to the instance.

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