The Amazon Fire Tab

This section deals with the Amazon Fire tab of the Global Games Settings Window.

IMPORTANT! This tab will only be visible if you have signed up for a promotional trial of the Amazon Fire module and do not have the Android module. If you do have Android, then you should look at the page Android Global Game Settings instead.

The Amazon Fire tab is split into various separate sub-tabs (accessible on the left of the window) to make changing and updating the information for your game clearer and less complicated. These tabs are explained in the following sections. The basic setup for the Amazon fire is similar to that used for Android, so make sure sure that you have set up the Android Preferences correctly before using this target.


The first thing to do is fill in the details about your game, including its Display Name, its Package Name and the Version info. The package name can only be made up of letters from A-Z and numbers 0-9, with no symbols or other special characters at all, nor should it have uppercase characters. It should follow the format “com.domain.myapp”.

Here you can also set the build tools version to use, along with the SDK values to use (minimum SDK version, Target SDK version and the Compile SDK version). In general you will want to leave these at their default values, but if your game targets a specific Android version then you can set the build tools and SDK values to that which you require here.

To the right of the page, you can add a splash screen to your APK, for both landscape and portrait modes, which will be shown while the game loads on the device. This screen should be a 24bit PNG file, and is recommended to be the same size as the first room (or view) in your game. If you require that the splash screen be shown for a specific time then you can also set it here from 0 to 10 seconds (the default time of 0 means that it will only show for the duration of the asset loading).

On this page you can also set the following options for your final APK file:


The graphics tab has three sections to it - Options, Icons and Texture Pages. The first of these controls the display options for your game, with the first one being the Interpolate colours Between Pixels flag. This turns on interpolation, which basically "smooths" pixels, so for crisp pixel graphics, it should be off, but if you have nice alpha blends and smoothed edge graphics it is better left on.

Next, you can set the Screen colour Depth to either 16bit or 24bit. This will affect the compatibility with some older devices if it is set to 24bit, and will also increase the ashmem that is needed (this is the shared memory on Android devices).

The next here is the Device Support for your game. You can choose to support any device, or only those that have a GPU. Basically, if your game has any advanced drawing functions like alpha blending, additive blending, surfaces, etc... you should limit it to those devices that have a GPU otherwise you run the risk of getting negative comments and poor rating for your game due to graphical errors or crashes on older devices.

Finally there is the option for scaling to the device screen. Here you can choose to maintain aspect ratio (so a 4:3 room, for example, will be "letter boxed" on a 16:9) or to scale fully (stretching the image to fit the full screen).

WARNING! Switching off the application surface in your code will disable all the scaling options set in the Global Game Settings until it has been switched back on again. See The Application Surface for further details.

After these options there is the section for setting the size of the Texture Page. The default (and most compatible) size is 1024x1024, but you can choose from anywhere between 256x256 up to 2048x2048. There is also a button marked View which will generate the texture pages for this platform and then open a window so that you can see how they look. This can be very useful if you wish to see how the texture pages are structured and to prevent having texture pages larger (or smaller) than necessary.

On the right of the page you can set the game icons. These are used in various situations on the Store and in your game, and should be created as 24bit PNG files of the appropriate sizes given.

NOTE: Be aware that the larger the size of the texture page, the less compatible your game will be.


This tab permits you to enable social functions for your Android game with either Amazon GameCircle, Google Play, or Facebook as well as activate Push Notifications.

If you require the Facebook functions, you need to click the "Use Facebook" checkbox and then supply the Facebook App ID and Facebook App Display Name. Note that all Facebook functionality is accessed via an extension, and when you first check the Use Facebook box you will be prompted to download the Facebook extension from the Marketplace and then import it into your project.

In order for your game to use Push Notifications they must be enabled here first otherwise they will not work. Local notifications on Android do not require the "GCM Sender ID", but you must add it should you wish to create remote notifications.

If you want to enable achievements and leader boards from the Google, then you need to check the appropriate check box. Once you have ticked one of the services, you will be prompted to download and install the corresponding extension from the Marketplace and install it in your project, and then code the functionality into your game using the Achievements and Leader boards functions. Note that you will need to add your App Id from Google Play into this tab for the services to work (this can be found from your Google Play Developers dashboard).

If you are using any Amazon Services, you need to tick the "Enable Amazon API's" check box. Once you have ticked this, you will be prompted to download and install the corresponding extension from the Marketplace. The Amazon API does not hook into the built in leader board functions (like the Google APIs do) but instead has all the functions included as part of the extension.


From this tab you can change some of the permissions that your game may request within the Android Manifest. GameMaker: Studio allocate permissions automatically as required, however you may find you require a permission for your game that we haven't assigned in which case tick the requisite permission box on the tab. The list below outlines those that are available:

NOTE: If you are not sure that you need these, you should probably just leave them un-checked by default and let GameMaker: Studio deal with the permissions for your game.

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