When your game is being targeted at those platforms that permit
multi-touch, you should be using these functions. They work the
same way a PC would work if it had multiple mice attached and the
constants that are being checked for are the same as those used for
the standard mouse functions:
Constant | Description |
mb_left | The left mouse button |
mb_middle | The middle mouse button (this may not be valid for all target platforms) |
mb_right | The right mouse button |
mb_none | No mouse button |
mb_any | Any of the mouse buttons |
NOTE: On touch screen devices, a double tap is returned
as the equivalent of a right mouse button event. So, if you
need to detect multiple taps in quick succession, for example, you
will need to check for both the mb_left and mb_right. This
functionality can be toggled on or off using device_mouse_dbclick_enable.
Below you can find a list of all the device specific control functions:
- device_mouse_check_button
- device_mouse_check_button_pressed
- device_mouse_check_button_released
- device_mouse_dbclick_enable
- device_mouse_x
- device_mouse_y
- device_mouse_raw_x
- device_mouse_raw_y
- device_mouse_x_to_gui
- device_mouse_y_to_gui
- device_is_keypad_open
- device_get_tilt_x
- device_get_tilt_y
- device_get_tilt_z
Please note that on mobile devices (Android, iOS), you can use
the back button at any time, as it is mapped to the keyboard
backspace which is the GameMaker: Studio keyboard constant
vk_backspace, so you can do checks for that key and perform
actions on those devices as if the back button had been used.