
Returns the x position of the mouse relative to the GUI layer when pressed.



Argument Description
device The device (from 0 - 4) that is being checked.

Returns: Real


This function returns y position of the device in relation to the GUI layer. Since the GUI layer can be set to be a different size independently of the screen resolution and the room size, it can sometimes be complicated to get the exact point on the GUI layer that a user has touched the screen. With this function you can get that position based on the actual GUI size, making GUI buttons and HUD elements easier to create. If you are running this on a the HTML5 or PC and Mac modules then this value is updated constantly, as long as the device (usually a mouse) is plugged in, however for mobile devices, this will only be updated while the screen is being touched.


if device_mouse_check_button(0, mb_left)
   if device_mouse_y_to_gui(0) > 0 && device_mouse_y_to_gui(0) < 32
      pressed = true;
      pressed = false;

The above code checks to see if the device mouse is being pressed and if so it then polls the device x position on the GUI layer to see if it is within the parameters. If it is it sets the variable "pressed" to true, other wise it sets it to false.

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