Drawing Text

This section has all the functions for drawing text

There are a number of functions available to you for drawing text in various forms. It should be noted that some of these functions change the text colours and sizes in a dynamic way when being drawn, but when working with HTML5 or devices, these functions can slow down your game or look poor and so it may be better to have various sized font resources rather than use scaled drawing, or have large font resources and then draw them scaled down rather than up. Also, if you need to colour large blocks of text it is better to use the draw_set_colour and draw_set_alpha functions first and use the simple draw_text functions.

The following functions exist for dealing with fonts and text:

  1. draw_set_font
  2. draw_set_halign
  3. draw_set_valign
  4. draw_text
  5. draw_text_ext
  6. draw_text_colour
  7. draw_text_transformed
  8. draw_text_ext_colour
  9. draw_text_ext_transformed
  10. draw_text_transformed_colour
  11. draw_text_ext_transformed_colour
  12. draw_highscore

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