
Snaps the player to the nearest position on a grid with cells of a given size.


move_snap( hsnap, vsnap );

Argument Description
hsnap The horizontal snapping (the size in pixels between 'cells').
vsnap The vertical snapping (the size in pixels between 'cells').

Returns: N/A


This function is used to "snap" the instance to a grid of a given size. It will be snapped to the nearest corresponding position on the "invisible" grid that the hsnap and vsnap values define.


with (obj_Pieces)
   if !place_snapped(32, 32)
      move_snap(32, 32);

The above code checks all instances of "obj_Pieces" to see if they are snapped to a grid of 32x32 pixels, and if they are not it snaps them to the nearest position in that grid.

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Next: place_snapped
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