
Returns a descriptive string for the given gamepad.



Argument Description
device Which gamepad "slot" to get the name of.

Returns: String


This function will return a string with the description of the given gamepad, for example, a PS3 controller may return a string similar to "PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller", or an XBox360 controller could return "Xbox 360 Controller (XInput STANDARD GAMEPAD)". This string is hardware dependant and the returned value will depend on the gamepad plugged into the device "slot" that is being checked.


var gp_num = gamepad_get_device_count();
for (var i = 0; i < gp_num; i++;)
   if gamepad_is_connected(i)
      draw_text(32, 32 + (i * 32), gamepad_get_description(i));
      draw_text(32, 32 + (i * 32), "No Gamepad Connected");

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