
Sets an animation frame for the given track.


skeleton_animation_set_frame(track, index);

Argument Description
track The animation track to set the frame of.
index The new index for the animation frame.

Returns: N/A


This function will set the animation assigned to the given track to the frame you supply. The frame index should be an real value between 0 and the number of frames for the animation (which you can get using the function skeleton_animation_get_frames). If you supply a value outside of this range, the animation will be looped to make up the difference, for example if the animation has 5 frames and you set the frame to 8, the actual frame shown will be 3.

IMPORTANT: Spine integration in GameMaker: Studio is a Pro licence feature and will not work in the Free/Standard versions.


if global.pause
    skeleton_animation_set_frame(0, -image_speed);

The above code will set the frame index for the animation in track 0 to the negative image speed when the global "pause" variable is true (essentially pausing the animation).

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