
This function can be used to modify the view matrix.


d3d_set_projection(xfrom, yfrom, zfrom, xto, yto, zto, xup, yup, zup)

Argument Description
xfrom The x coordinate of the position to look from.
yfrom The y coordinate of the position to look from.
zfrom The z coordinate of the position to look from.
xto The x coordinate of the position to look to.
yto The x coordinate of the position to look to.
zto The x coordinate of the position to look to.
xup The x coordinate of the "up" vector.
yup The y coordinate of the "up" vector.
zup The z coordinate of the "up" vector.

Returns: N/A


Although this function is called d3d_set_projection it is really used to modify the view matrix, not the projection matrix. As such, you should first initialize the projection matrix using the other projection function d3d_set_projection_ext, then use this function to move the view (camera) around within the projection.

To set the view you first need to define the position you look from, which is indicated by the parameters (xfrom, yfrom, zfrom). Next you must specify the direction you look in and this is done by giving a second point to look towards with the arguments (xto, yto, zto). Finally, you can still rotate the camera around the line from the viewpoint to the looking point, and to specify this we must give an "up" vector, that is, the direction that is upwards in the camera. This is given by the last three arguments (xup, yup, zup).


d3d_set_projection(100, 100, 10, 200, 100, 10, 0, 0, 1);

The above code creates a typical first person shooter view.

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