
Adds a cylinder shape to the model.


d3d_model_cylinder(ind, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, hrepeat, vrepeat, closed, steps)

Argument Description
ind The model index to add the cylinder to.
x1 The model index to add the cylinder to.
y1 The initial y coordinate of the cylinder.
z1 The initial z coordinate of the cylinder.
x2 The opposite x coordinate of the cylinder.
y2 The opposite y coordinate of the cylinder.
z2 The opposite z coordinate of the cylinder.
hrepeat Amount of horizontal repetitions for the texture.
vrepeat Amount of vertical repetitions for the texture.
closed Sets whether to close (true) the bottom and top of the cylinder or not (false).
steps How many steps are used to make the cylinder "round" (typically 24)

Returns: N/A


This function will add a cylinder of the specified size to the chosen model.


model[0] = d3d_model_create();
d3d_model_cylinder(model[0], -10, -10, -10, 10, 10, 50, 1, 1, true, 24);

The above code creates a model and adds a cylinder to it.

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