Obsolete Splash Functions

These functions deal with splash screens and videos.

Function List:

Function Description
splash_show_video Shows a video splash screen. fname is the name of the video file. Whether a particular movie file is supported depends on the drivers on the machine. Typically you can use .avi, .mpg, and .wmv files but avoid special codecs. You best put this file in the folder of the game yourself or in a subfolder. loop indicates whether to loop the video.
splash_show_text Shows a text splash screen. fname is the name of the text file. You can either display standard text files (.txt) or rich text files (.rtf). Only part of the rich text features are taken into account. E.g. images and other embedded objects are not shown. delay indicates the delay in milliseconds before returning to the game. use 0 or a negative value to wait until the player presses the escape key or clicks with the mouse in the window. (Note that no scrollbar will be shown nor is there another way to scroll the text. So the text must fit the window.)
splash_show_image Shows an image splash screen. fname is the name of the image file. Many image types are supported (for example .bmp, .jpg, .tif, and .wmf) but no animated images. delay is the delay in milli seconds before returning to the game.
splash_show_web Shows a web page splash screen. url is the url of the webpage (starting with http://) or it is the file name for a local html file. Note however that you must provide the full path for this to work. So you best e.g. use as url something like working_directory + "\index.html". delay is the delay in milli seconds before returning to the game
splash_set_main Indicated whether the splash screen must be shown in the main game window (true, default) or in a separate window (false).
splash_set_scale Sets the scale factor to be used when displaying a splash video or image. When using a value of 0 the scale factor is chosen such that the window is filled (default).
splash_set_cursor Sets whether the cursor should be visible in the splash screen. Default it is visible. For movies the cursor cannot be switched off.
splash_set_colour Sets the colour of the area surrounding the image or video.
splash_set_caption Sets the caption for the splash window. This only has effect when is a separate splash window is used. Default the empty string is used.
splash_set_fullscreen Indicates whether to use a full screen window or not. This only has effect when is a separate splash window is used. Default a normal window is used.
splash_set_border Indicates whether the window should have a border. This only has effect when is a separate normal splash window is used. Default a border is used.
splash_set_size Sets the size of the splash window. This only has effect when is a separate normal splash window is used. Default size is 640x480.
splash_set_position Sets the position of the splash window. This only has effect when is a separate normal splash window is used. Default Windows determines the position.
splash_set_adapt Indicated whether the size of the window must be adapted to the scaled size of the video or image. This only has effect when is a separate splash window is used. Default adapt is true.
splash_set_top Indicates whether the window should stay on top of other Windows. This only has effect when is a separate splash window is used. Default the value is true.
splash_set_interrupt Indicates whether the game play should be interrupted while showing the splash window. This only has effect when is a separate splash window is used. Default the value is true.
splash_set_stop_key Indicates whether to stop the display of the splash screen when the player pressed the Escape key. Default the value is true.
splash_set_stop_mouse Indicates whether to stop the display of the splash screen when the player pressed the mouse inside the splash screen. Default the value is true.
splash_set_close_button Indicates whether to show a close button in the top right corner of the splash screen. This is useful when running games in full screen mode or without a border. Default the value is true.

The following functions have also been removed:

Function Description
show_info Displays the game information window.
load_info Loads the game information from the file named fname. This should be a rich text file (.rtf). This makes it possible to show different help files at different moments. Note that contrary to the splash screens, this rtf file cannot contain images.

Why These Are Obsolete

These are Windows only functions and no longer applicable to any other device, especially since they block the runner to show the splash screens.

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