Obsolete Particle Functions

These functions deal with the manipulation of particles.

The following functions for particle attractors have been removed:

Function Description
part_attractor_create Creates a new attractor in the given particle system. It returns the index of the attractor. This index must be used in all calls below to set the properties of the attractor.
part_attractor_destroy Destroys attractor ind in the particle system. Call this if you don't need it anymore to save space.
part_attractor_destroy_all Destroys all attractors in the particle system that have been created.
part_attractor_exists Returns whether the indicated attractor exists in the particle system.
part_attractor_clear Clears the attractor ind to its default settings.
part_attractor_position Sets the position of attractor ind to (x,y).
part_attractor_force Sets the force parameters of attractor ind.

The following functions for particle changers have been removed:

Function Description
part_changer_create Creates a new changer in the given particle system. It returns the index of the changer. This index must be used in all calls below to set the properties of the changer.
part_changer_destroy Destroys changer ind in the particle system. Call this if you don't need it anymore to save space.
part_changer_destroy_all Destroys all changers in the particle system that have been created.
part_changer_exists Returns whether the indicated changer exists in the particle system.
part_changer_clear Clears the changer ind to its default settings.
part_changer_region Sets the region for the changer.
part_changer_types Sets which particle type the changer must change into what other type.
part_changer_kind Sets the kind for the changer.

The following functions for particle deflectors have been removed:

Function Description
part_deflector_create Creates a new deflector in the given particle system. It returns the index of the deflector. This index must be used in all calls below to set the properties of the deflector.
part_deflector_destroy Destroys deflector ind in the particle system. Call this if you don't need it anymore to save space.
part_deflector_destroy_all Destroys all deflectors in the particle system that have been created.
part_deflector_exists Returns whether the indicated deflector exists in the particle system.
part_deflector_clear Clears the deflector ind to its default settings.
part_deflector_region Sets the region for the deflector.
part_deflector_kind Sets the kind for the deflector.
part_deflector_friction Sets the friction for the deflector.

The following functions for particle destroyers have been removed:

Function Description
part_destroyer_create Creates a new destroyer in the given particle system. It returns the index of the destroyer. This index must be used in all calls below to set the properties of the destroyer.
part_destroyer_destroy Destroys destroyer ind in the particle system. Call this if you don't need it anymore to save space.
part_destroyer_destroy_all Destroys all destroyers in the particle system that have been created.
part_destroyer_exists Returns whether the indicated destroyer exists in the particle system.
part_destroyer_clear Clears the destroyer ind to its default settings.
part_destroyer_region Sets the region for the destroyer.

Why These Are Obsolete

Particles are normally very fast to process due to the fact that they are normally just graphical effects which, once fired off, are left to do their own thing based on the parameters set for them when you created the system. These routines, however, could be used to change particle properties after they have been created in a game, which means that each particle has to be tracked and dealt with in an individual manner. As this is horribly slow and defeats the purpose of particles (as they are meant to be used for fast graphical effects)

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