Obsolete Sound Functions

These functions deal with sound effects and 3D sounds.

Function List:

Function Description
sound_effect_set Sets a (combination of) sound effect(s) for the indicated sound. effect can be any of the constants listed below.
sound_effect_chorus Sets the parameters for the chorus effect for the indicated sound.
sound_effect_echo Sets the parameters for the echo effect for the indicated sound.
sound_effect_flanger Sets the parameters for the flanger effect for the indicated sound.
sound_effect_gargle Sets the parameters for the gargle effect for the indicated sound.
sound_effect_reverb Sets the parameters for the reverb effect for the indicated sound.
sound_effect_compressor Sets the parameters for the compressor effect for the indicated sound.
sound_effect_equalizer Sets the parameters for the equalizer effect for the indicated sound.
sound_3d_set_sound_position Sets the position of the indicated sound with respect to the listener to the indicated position in space.
sound_3d_set_sound_velocity Sets the velocity of the indicated sound to the indicated vector in space.
sound_3d_set_sound_distance Sets the minimum distance at which the sound does no longer increase in loudness and the maximum distance at which the sound can no longer be heard.
sound_3d_set_sound_cone Normally sound has the same amplitude at a given distance in all directions. You can set the sound cone to change this and make sound directional.
sound_get_preload Returns whether the sound with the given index has preload set.
sound_restore Restores the indicated sound in audio memory for immediate playing.
sound_discard Frees the audio memory used for the indicated sound.
sound_background_tempo Changes the tempo of the background music (if it is a midi file).
sound_set_search_directory Sets the directory in which direct music files are to be found. The dir string should not include the final backslash.
sound_pan Changes the pan for the indicated sound (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right).

The following constants have also been removed:

Why These Are Obsolete

These were Windows only functions and are no longer applicable to any other device.

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