Function | Description |
mplay_data_write | Write value val (string or real) into location ind (ind between 0 and 1000000). |
mplay_data_read | Returns the value in location ind (ind between 0 and 1000000). Initially all values are 0. |
mplay_data_mode | Sets whether or not to use guaranteed transmission for shared data. guar should either be true (the default) or false. |
mplay_init_ipx | Initializes an IPX connection. |
mplay_init_tcpip | Initializes a TCP/IP connection. addr is a string containing the web address or IP address, e.g. '' or '', possibly followed by a port number (e.g. ':12'). Only when joining a session (see below) do you need to provide an address. On a local area network no addresses are necessary. |
mplay_init_modem | Initializes a modem connection. initstr is the initialization string for the modem (can be empty). phonenr is a string that contains the phone number to ring (e.g. '0201234567'). Only when joining a session (see below) do you need to provide a phone number. |
mplay_init_serial | Initializes a serial connection. portno is the port number (1-4). baudrate is the baud rate to be used (100-256K). stopbits indicates the number of stopbits (0 = 1 bit, 1 = 1.5 bit, 2 = 2 bits). parity indicates the parity (0=none, 1=odd, 2=even, 3=mark). And flow indicates the type of flow control (0=none, 1=xon/xoff, 2=rts, 3=dtr, 4=rts and dtr). Returns whether successful. A typical call is mplay_init_serial(1,57600,0,0,4). Give 0 as a first argument to open a dialog for the user to change the settings. |
mplay_connect_status | Returns the status of the current connection. |
mplay_end | Ends the current connection. |
mplay_ipaddress | Returns the IP address of your machine (e.g. '') as a string. |
mplay_message_send | Sends a message to the indicated player (either an identifier or a name; use 0 to send the message to all players). id is an integer message identifier and val is the value (either a real or a string). The message is sent in non-guaranteed mode. If val contains a string the maximal string length allowed is 30000 characters. |
mplay_message_send_guaranteed | Sends a message to the indicated player (either an identifier or a name; use 0 to send the message to all players). id is an integer message identifier and val is the value (either a real or a string). This is a guaranteed send. If val contains a string the maximal string length allowed is 30000 characters. |
mplay_message_receive | Receives the next message from the message queue that came from the indicated player (either an identifier or a name). Use 0 for messages from any player. The routine returns whether there was indeed a new message. |
mplay_message_id | Returns the identifier of the last received message. |
mplay_message_value | Returns the value of the last received message. |
mplay_message_player | Returns the player who sent the last received message. |
mplay_message_name | Returns the name of the player who sent the last received message. |
mplay_message_count | Returns the number of messages left in the queue from the player (use 0 to count all message). |
mplay_message_clear | Removes all messages left in the queue from the player (use 0 to remove all message). |
mplay_player_find | Searches for all players in the current session and returns the number of players found. |
mplay_player_name | Returns the name of player number numb (0 is the first player, which is always yourself). This routine can only be called after calling the previous routine. |
mplay_player_id | Returns the unique id of player number numb (0 is the first player, which is always yourself). This routine can only be called after calling the first routine. This id is used in sending and receiving messages to and from individual players. |
mplay_session_create | Creates a new session on the current connection. |
mplay_session_find | Searches for all sessions that still accept players and returns the number of sessions found. |
mplay_session_name | Returns the name of session number numb (0 is the first session). This routine can only be called after calling the previous routine. |
mplay_session_join | Makes you join session number numb (0 is the first session). playername is your name as a player. Returns whether successful. |
mplay_session_mode | Sets whether or not to move the session host to another computer when the host ends. move should either be true or false (the default). |
mplay_session_status | Returns the status of the current session. |
mplay_session_end | Ends the session for this player. |
These were Windows only functions and are no longer applicable
to any other device, and even for Windows they have been superceded
by much better methods of doing the same thing.