Obsolete Message Functions

These functions deal with pop up messages and Windows captions.

Function List:

Function Description
show_message_ext Displays a dialog box with the string as a message and up to three buttons. But1, but2 and but3 contain the button text. An empty string means that the button is not shown. In the texts you can use the & symbol to indicate that the next character should be used as the keyboard shortcut for this button. The function returns the number of the button pressed (0 if the user presses the Esc key).
message_background Sets the background image for the pop-up box for any of the functions above. back must be one of the backgrounds defined in the game. Unfortunately, alpha values are not taken into account. However, if the left-bottom pixel has an alpha value of 0, all pixels with that colour will be considered transparent.
message_alpha Sets the alpha translucence for the pop-up box for any of the functions above. alpha must lie between 0 (completely translucent) and 1 (not translucent) (only for Windows 2000 or later).
message_button Sets the sprite used for the buttons in the pop-up box. spr must be a sprite consisting of three images, the first indicates the button when it is not pressed and the mouse is far away, the second indicates the button when the mouse is above it but not pressed and the third is the button when it is pressed. Unfortunately, alpha values are not taken into account. However, if the left-bottom pixel has an alpha value of 0, all pixels with that colour will be considered transparent.
message_text_font Sets the font for the text in the pop-up box.
message_button_font Sets the font for the buttons in the pop-up box.
message_input_font Sets the font for the input field in the pop-up box.
message_text_charset This function allows you to specify which character set the dialogs will use.
message_mouse_colour Sets the colour of the font for the buttons in the pop-up box when the mouse is above it.
message_input_colour Sets the colour for the background of the input filed in the pop-up box.
message_caption Sets the caption for the pop-up box. Indicates whether a border must be shown (1) or not (0) and str indicates the caption when the border is shown.
message_position Sets the position of the pop-up box on the screen. Use -1, -1 to center the box.
message_size Fixes the size of the pop-up box on the screen. If you choose -1 for the width the width of the image is used. If you choose -1 for the height the height is calculated based on the number of lines in the message.
show_menu Shows a popup menu. str indicates the menu text. This consists of the different menu items with a vertical bar between them. For example, str = 'menu0|menu1|menu2'. When the first item is selected a 0 is returned, etc. When the player selects no item, the default value def is returned.
show_menu_pos Shows a popup menu as in the previous function but at position x,y on the screen.
get_colour Asks the player for a colour. defcol is the default colour. If the user presses Cancel the value -1 is returned.
get_directory Asks for a directory. dname is the default name. If the user presses Cancel an empty string is returned.
get_directory_alt An alternative way to ask for a directory. Capt is the caption to be show. root is the root of the directory tree to be shown. Use the empty string to show the whole tree. If the user presses Cancel an empty string is returned.
show_score Whether to show the score in the window caption.
show_lives Whether to show the number of lives in the window caption.
show_health Whether to show the health in the window caption.
caption_score The caption used for the score.
caption_lives The caption used for the lives.
caption_health The caption used for the health.
highscore_show Shows the highscore table. numb is the new score. If this score is good enough to be added to the list, the player can input a name.
highscore_set_background Sets the background image to use. back must be the index of one of the background resources.
highscore_set_border Sets whether the highscore form must have a border or not.
highscore_set_font Sets the font used for the text in the table.
highscore_set_colours Sets the colours used for the background, the new entry in the table, and the other entries.
highscore_set_strings Changes the different default strings used when showing the highscore table.
highscore_show_ext Shows the highscore table with a number of options (can also be achieved by using a number of the previous functions).
highscore_add_current Adds the current score to the highscore list. The player is asked to provide a name.

The following constants have also been removed:

Why These Are Obsolete

These are Windows only functions and no longer applicable to any other device, especially since most of them block the runner to show the message boxes.

Note: While the highscore display functions are now obsolete, the internal highscores do still exists and can be used... You will just have to display them yourself through your own code.

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