Obsolete Dynamic Functions

These functions deal with the generation of resources at run time.

Object Function List:

Function Description
object_add Adds a new object. It returns the index of the object. You can now use this index in the routines above to set certain properties of the object and then you can use the index to create instances of the object.
object_delete Deletes the object with the given index. Make sure no instances of the object exist in any of the rooms.
object_event_add To give the object a behavior we must define events for the object. You can only add code actions to events. You need to specify the object, the event type, the event number (use the constants that have been specified before for the event_perform() function). Finally you provide the code string that must be executed. You can add multiple code actions to each event.
object_event_clear You can use this function to clear all the actions for a particular event.
object_set_parent Set the parentfor an object.

Variable Function List:

Function Description
variable_global_exists Returns whether a global variable with the given name (a string) exists.
variable_local_exists Returns whether an instance variable with the given name (a string) exists for the current instance.
variable_global_get Returns the value of the global variable with the given name (a string).
variable_global_array_get Returns the value of index ind of the global array variable with the given name (a string).
variable_global_array2_get Returns the value of index ind1,ind2 of the global 2-dimensional array variable with the given name (a string).
variable_local_get Returns the value of an instance variable with the given name (a string).
variable_local_array_get Returns the value of index ind of an instance array variable with the given name (a string).
variable_local_array2_get Returns the value of index ind1,ind2 of an instance 2-dimensional array variable with the given name (a string).
variable_global_set Sets the global variable with the given name (a string) to the given value
variable_global_array_set Sets the index ind in the global array variable with the given name (a string) to the given value.
variable_global_array2_set Sets the index ind1,ind2 in the global 2-dimensional array variable with the given name (a string) to the given value.
variable_local_set Sets an instance variable with the given name (a string) to the given value.
variable_local_array_set Sets the index ind in an instance array variable with the given name (a string) to the given value.
variable_local_array2_set Sets the index ind1,ind2 in an instance 2-dimensional array variable with the given name (a string) to the given value.

Resource Function List:

Function Description
sprite_add_sprite Adds the sprite stored the file fname to the set of sprite resources. The file must be a .gmspr file that is saved in the sprite property form in GameMaker.
background_add_background Adds the background stored the file fname to the set of background resources. The file must be a .gmbck file that is saved in the background property form in GameMaker.
sprite_add_sprite Adds the sprite stored the file fname to the set of sprite resources. The file must be a .gmspr file that is saved in the sprite property form in GameMaker.
background_add_background Adds the background stored the file fname to the set of background resources. The file must be a .gmbck file that is saved in the background property form in GameMaker.
sprite_create_from_screen Creates a sprite by copying the given area from the screen.
sprite_add_from_screen Adds an area of the screen as a next subimage to the sprite with index ind.
background_create_from_screen Creates a background by copying the given area from the screen.

Miscellaneous Function List:

Function Description
room_set_code Sets the initialization code string for the room with the indicated index.
script_get_text Returns the text string of the script with the given index.
execute_string Execute the piece of code in the string str with the indicated arguments.
execute_file Execute the piece of code in the file with the indicated arguments.
execute_program Executes program "prog" with arguments "arg". "wait" indicates whether to wait for finishing.
execute_shell Executes the program (or file) in the shell.
timeline_moment_add Adds a code action to the time line at moment step. If the step does not exist it is created. So you can add multiple code actions for the same moment.

Why These Are Obsolete

These functions cannot be used any more due to changes in the underlying runner that GameMaker: Studio uses to generate the device specific packages making it impossible to generate objects, images or code "on the fly" as was done before.

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