Obsolete File Functions

These functions are general ones related to previous versions of GameMaker.

Variable Function List:

Function Description
file_open_write Opens a file for writing.
file_open_read Opens a file for reading.
file_open_append Opens a file ready to append information to.
file_write_string Writes a string to a previously opened file.
file_write_real Writes a real value to a previously opened file.
file_writeln Writes a new line to an already opened file.
file_read_string Reads a string from a previously opened file.
file_read_real Reads a real value from a previously opened file.
file_readln Skips to the next line of a previously opened file for reading.
file_eof Checks to see if the end of the opened file has been reached.
file_eoln Checks to see if the end of the current line in the opened file has been reached.
file_close Closes the currently open file.

Why These Are Obsolete

These have been replaced by the file_text_* and the file_bin_* functions.

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