Obsolete Miscellaneous Functions

These functions are general ones related to previous versions of GameMaker.

Variable Function List:

Function Description
secure_mode Returns whether the game is running in secure mode or not.
set_program_priority Sets the priority for the program. You can indicate a value between -3 and +3. A value of -3 means that the program will only run if no other process on the computer requires processing time, or stated differently, when all other processes are idle. Values of -2 and -1 are below normal, so other processes will get priority. 0 is the normal value. +1 and +2 give a higher priority, resulting possibly in higher speed and smoother game flow. But other processes will get much less processing time. +3 indicates real-time mode. In real-time mode basically all time is allotted to the game. This can lead to serious problems with any other applications running on the computer. Also keyboard events and e.g. the pressing of the close box might no longer be recorded by Windows. So only use this if you want all the processor time. Also better check carefully before using it and save the game before running.
set_application_title Sets the title of the application to the given string. The title is for example shown in the task bar.
export_include_file Exports the included file with the name fname. This must be a string variable, so don't forget the quotes.
export_include_file_location Exports the included file with the name fname to the given location. Location must contain the path and the filename.
discard_include_file Discard the included file with the name fname, freeing the memory used. This must be a string variable, so don't forget the quotes.
gamemaker_pro Indicates whether the game is created with the Pro version or not.
gamemaker_registered Same as gamemaker_pro.
gamemaker_version The version of GameMaker. This is an integer. For version 8.0 this can be anything between 800 and 809. For version 8.1 this will be something between 810 and 819, etc. so never check a particular version but better check for a range. This variable is not available in version before 800.
error_last String indicating the last error message.
error_occurred Indicates whether an error has occurred.
sleep Sleeps numb milliseconds.
io_handle Update the input state from mouse or keyboard.
keyboard_wait Waits till the user presses a key on the keyboard.
mouse_wait Waits till the user presses a mouse button.
disk_size Returns the size of the indicated drive in bytes.
disk_free Returns the amount of free space on the indicated drive in bytes.
date_current_date Returns the date corresponding to the current moment.
date_current_time Returns the time corresponding to the current moment.
date_create_date Creates a date-time value corresponding to the indicated date.
date_create_time Creates a date-time value corresponding to the indicated time.
date_valid_date Returns whether the indicated date is valid.
date_valid_time Returns whether the indicated time is valid.

Why These Are Obsolete

These functions cannot be used any more due to changes in the underlying runner that GameMaker: Studio uses and the fact that most of them are no longer relevant to any other device except Windows.

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