Source Control Management

GameMaker: Studio incorporates a complete source control management system, ready to use with any one of the SCM packages available.

Source Control Management (SCM) is the name given to the method of working with sub-versions or backups of your projects through a repository and local source. Basically, an SCM solution is an independent software package which controls all the aspects of maintaining, changing and comparing versions of your project as you work on it. This is especially useful to those that work in a team and need to be able to control who does what and not worry about losing data or making changes that may need to be undone at a later date, but individuals can benefit from this powerful yet flexible system too.

We recommend that you have some working knowledge of how source control works before attempting to use it in GameMaker: Studio.

There are various SCM tools available to you, and GameMaker: Studio permits you to use the three most popular:

NOTE: You can use other SCM solutions, but these are the ones that GameMaker has tutorials and default configurations for. Other tools will require you to set up custom profiles, which are explained briefly on the page Source Control Preferences.

If you are not too familiar with SCM solutions then we recommend you use SVN and install a user-interface like TortoiseSVN. GameMaker: Studio comes bundled with the 1.7 and 1.8 versions of SVN by default, so if you use this option make sure that the user-interface you use is for the either of the those versions (preferably the 1.8 version). Both GIT and Mercurial are advanced SCM solutions and require that you have a good working knowledge of how SCM works, and prior experience with both is a benefit if possible.

It is important to note that we recommend that you change the following Preferences before continuing to activate SCM in GameMaker: Studio:

The following sections outline the necessary steps that you need to take to get Source Control working in GameMaker: Studio:

  1. Getting Started With Source Control Management
  2. Setting Up GameMaker: Studio For Source Control Management
  3. Using Source Control Management with GameMaker: Studio

NOTE: This functionality is limited to the Professional Version of GameMaker: Studio.

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