The Windows 8 Tab

This section deals with the Windows 8 tab of the Global Games Settings Window.

In the Global Games Settings of GameMaker: Studio, you can find the different setup options related to how your final game will look when you create the executable for the target platform. Here we will look at the Windows 8 tab. It is split into three sub-tabs, each of which is explained in the sections below:


This section is where you should set up the details of your app like its name and any associated graphics. Below is a list of all the available options and what they represent:

WARNING: If you have any functions in your Windows 8 game that require an internet connection, like an open URL call for example, then you must have the "internetClientServer" capability ticked for the game. Microsoft also specifies that if you use this capability you need to add a link to your Privacy Policy in the Settings pane of your Windows 8 game (see here for further details). This can be done using the Settings Charm Functions in your game.


Here is the option to set the size of the Texture Page. The default (and most compatible) size is 1024x1024, but you can choose from anywhere between 256x256 up to 2048x2048. There is also a button marked View which will generate the texture pages for this platform and then open a window so that you can see how they look. This can be very useful if you wish to see how the texture pages are structured and to prevent having texture pages larger (or smaller) than necessary.

NOTE: Be aware that the larger the size of the texture page, the less compatible your game will be.

You can also set the way that your game should react to being scaled in any way (either by dragging the window borders or by full screening it). This can either be keep Aspect Ratio or Stretch. There are also extra options for Native Windows 8 apps, which permit you switch on or off interpolation and v-sync for the game.

WARNING! Switching off the application surface will disable all the scaling options set in the Global Game Settings until it has been switched back on again. See The Application Surface for further details.


GameMaker: Studio supplies two default Developer Keys for Windows8 development (one each for the Native and JavaScript modules), but it is recommended that you generate your own and point to it here. To do this, create an empty project in Visual Studio Express then store somewhere safe a copy of the automatically generated *.pfx (the developer key) that it will have included in the empty project. You should then link that *.pfx file here.

After linking to the file, you should click on the associated Install button and then follow the instructions in the command prompt that will open. If you do not do this then using the Run/Debug buttons (or hitting F5) will fail and your game cannot be tested (however, if you use Create Application the certification installation process will automatically be launched if the *.pfx has yet to be registered).

Finally, for Native Windows 8 development there is a drop down menu where you can select the device to target, which can be either x86 or ARM.

NOTE: When it comes to uploading your app to the store you will need to get the correct *.pfx for your title. This is done via associating your app with the Windows Store in Visual Studio which causes Visual Studio to generate a new *.pfx specifically for the app. It is also worth noting that you can associate any app with the Windows Store in Visual Studio, meaning you can associate a blank project with the Windows Store app and simply copy the generated pfx to a safe location which can then be used within Global Game Settings.


Depending on what you want your game to have access to, you may also need to check the permissions from the Permissions tab. If your game uses (for example) the function url_open() then you would need to check the "Use Internet" box. The available permissions are:

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