The In App Purchases Tab

This section deals with the In App Purchases tab of the Global Games Settings Window.

This tab is for setting up certain In App Purchase options for Android, where you can supply your Android Public Key for Google Play (this is a key code supplied by Google as a protection method for your game). This licence can be found by going to your Google Play Developers Page and then selecting the option Edit profile. Once on the profile page, scroll down to the section titled "Licensing & In-app Billing" and there you should find the Public key that is needed for this functionality to be enabled. Note that to use In App Purchases in any Android project you must have installed the Google Services extension and the Google IAP extension (see here for more details).

For more detailed information on in app purchases, the available GameMaker: Studio functions and proprietary server setup, please see the section Reference - In App Purchases.

NOTE: This functionality is limited to the Professional Version of GameMaker: Studio.

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