The HTML5 Tab

This section deals with the HTML5 tab of the Global Games Settings Window.

This HTML5 tab is split into two separate sub-tabs (accessible on the left of the window) to make changing and updating the information for your game clearer and less complicated. These tabs are explained in the following sections.


At the top of the window you can set the File options for your HTML5 game, which includes:

Once that is done you will need to give your game a favicon and a Splash Screen. The icons should be authored as an *.ico file and can be 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, or 64x64 pixels in size, and 8-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit in colour depth. The splash screen should be the size of the canvas that is going to hold your game and will override any loading bars if you tick the Use Splash Screen option (ie: you can have a loading bar, OR a splash screen, but not both). Smaller or larger images are permitted but will be scaled to fit.

If you are testing a game locally (ie: clicking on the index file from your computer rather than a server - not recommended), then you normally get a warning informing you that things won't work as you may expect due to browser security for local files. You can suppress this warning by un-checking the Display "running outside server" alert option.

Should you require the cursor to be disabled while the mouse is over the canvas area, you can un-check the option "Display Mouse Cursor".

You also have the further options to send all debug output to the JS console of your browser, and to prepend the *.js output with any extra JavaScript necessary for your game. For example, a Chrome Store app may require that you add window.localStorage = undefined; to the output JS, for which you would use this option.


Here you can change the following details related to how your game will be displayed (note that not all browsers will display your game in the same way, so test these options on as many browsers as possible to make sure that they have the desired effect).

Finally there is the option to set the size of the Texture Page. The default (and most compatible) size is 2048x2048, but you can choose from anywhere between 256x256 up to a whopping 8192x8192! There is also a button marked View which will generate the texture pages for this platform and then open a window so that you can see how they look. This can be very useful if you wish to see how the texture pages are structured and to prevent having texture pages larger (or smaller) than necessary.

NOTE: Be aware that the larger the size of the texture page, the less compatible your game will be.


The social tab is used for setting up Facebook communication in your game. If you require the Facebook functions, you need to click the "Use Facebook" checkbox and then supply the Facebook App ID and Facebook App Display Name. Note that all Facebook functionality is accessed via an extension, and when you first check the Use Facebook box you will be prompted to download and install the Facebook extension from the Marketplace.

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