
This section outlines how to define macros that you can then use in actions, scripts and code.

A macro is, as the name implies, something that can hold a constant value (real, or boolean) or a string, or an expression. This is different to a variable in that it can't be changed once defined, although it is global in scope as all instances in all rooms can use it, and it will always be the same value unless you use a GML function as the value. There are a number of built-in constants within GameMaker: Studio, like the vk_ ones for the keyboard or the c_ ones that hold different colours, but you can also define your own constants and function macros to be used in your games too.

To define macros you chose Define Macro from the drop down Resources menu at the top of the main window (or click on the resource tree icons, as explained below) and the following window will open: The main part of this window is take up with the list of macros, and will start off empty, ready for you to create your own. To do this you would click on the button marked Add at the bottom left of the window, which will then create a new, empty, macro with the Name section highlighted. You must give all your macros a name, and as with all things in GameMaker: Studio this name must be unique and it is recommended that you distinguish it in some way from other variables, for example, by using all capitals, or by using a suffix or prefix. Note, that you cannot use any symbols except the under-bar (_) and the macro cannot start with a number.

Once you have named your new macro you must give it a value. This value can be numeric, a function or a string. For a string it must be wrapped in quotes ("") and if it is a function, it cannot make reference to anything in the game (the current room, instances, or scripts etc...) as the macros are initialised before everything else, but it can however use resources like sprites and objects.

When you have defined a few macros you can use the buttons at the bottom of the window to change them around and add, insert or delete them. Add will add one at the end of the list, Insert will insert the next macro above the current one, and delete will delete the current one. You may also press Clear to clear the whole list of macros, which will open a prompt to ask if you are sure you really want to do that before deleting the whole list. beside these button are two labelled Up and Down which simply move the macros up and down the list, and beside those is the sort button which will put the macros into alphabetical order, with the ones starting with "A" at the top.

Finally, there are two buttons marked Load and Save. With these, you can load into your project macros that you have previously defined in an external editor, or that you have saved from a previous game. If you have already defined macros when you load some from a file, the new ones will be appended on at the end of the list. A saved macro list is stored in a simple *.txt file and can easily be edited and added to by any application that reads these files (Notepad++, for example). You can even pre-define your own text file with a set of macros to be loaded into GameMaker: Studio as the format is simply: NAME = VALUE.


It is worth noting that when using an expression in a macro, if this contains a function then no constant value can be created for it, and it will be evaluated every time the macro is called. For example, you could have the following macro:

myran : irandom(100)

Now every time you call the macro myran it will return a different random number. If the expression can be evaluated to a single value or string, then the macro will function like a constant, for example:

mynumb : "10"
myname : "Hamish"
myconst : mynumb + myname

As you can see in the above example the last macro is an expression using the previously created two macros. This will be evaluated once on startup and a constant value returned for it.

The Resource Tree

Macro are included as part of the resource tree on the left of the GameMaker: Studio IDE. When you create a new game, you will have two sets of macros - All Configurations and Default. Macro created in "All Configurations" will be available to you no matter what configuration you have chosen (see the section on Configurations for more information), and you can then add configuration-specific ones to any other lists that you will have, with each new configuration creating a new macros list.

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