Extra Actions

This tab contains a few extra actions to help create effects for your game.

The extras tab is dedicated mainly to the creation and use of Particles in your game, but there is one other action at the bottom which we will describe first before going into a bit more depth about particles.

Other Actions

Set Mouse Cursor
This function allows you to set the cursor for the game to a sprite that you can choose from the resource tree. You are also given the option to hide the standard mouse cursor as well. This functionality is only valid for Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), MacOS and HTML5 targets.


Now, above that one we have a whole host of actions related to creating particle systems, types and emitters... but, what is a particle? Basically, a particle is a graphics resource which is created with a base set of properties set by you beforehand. Unlike objects, backgrounds and tiles, once a particle has been created you no longer have any control over it and it will continue to exists until it reaches the end of its "life", which is defined by you using these actions. You can also define its colour, speed, direction and if it will be affected by gravity or not, as well as how many of them you want to be created and how often. As particles are purely graphical, they are also very fast to process and you can have lots of them on screen at any one time with no noticeable lag, making them ideal for many special effects, like smoke trails, blood splatters and debris. Below you can find a list of all the actions available to create a particle system and define types and emitters.

Particle System Create
Before you can create any particles, you have to create the "system" that they are created in. This action will create that system and ask you for the depth that any particles you create will be drawn at. As with objects and tiles, this depth can be a positive or a negative integer, with a high negative value placing it "above" other things and a high positive value placing it "below".

Particle System Destroy
Particle systems take up memory space and if they are not managed properly, they can slow down and even crash your game. To prevent this you must destroy them when not in use with this action. Normally it would go in the destroy event of the object that has the Particle System Create action, or in the room end event if there is nothing going to destroy it sooner (or even both events).

Particle System Clear
This action will clear a system of all particles in it making all those that are visible on the screen disappear. This does not destroy the particle system, nor the particles and emitters, it only clears the screen until more particles are emitted.

Particle Type Create
Before you can see any particles in a system, they have to be created and defined, first with this action, and then (if necessary) with the other actions listed below. In this action you are able to specify the name of the particle (type0 - type15), and choose whether to use your own custom sprite or one of the included particles which are shown in the image below: You then have the options "min size" and "max size" which enable you to set a minimum and a maximum initial size for your particle. All this means is that your particles will be created a random size within these limits that you set and if you want them all to be the same size then set both parameters to the same value. Finally there is the "size increment" option which enables you to specify whether you wish a particle to grow (positive number) or shrink (negative number) after it has been created on the screen. Normally this value is kept pretty low, 0.1 or -0.05 for example.

Particle colour
With this action you can set the colours of the particles as well as the alpha (transparency, with 1 being fully opaque and 0 being fully transparent) and how the colours are to be used, either fading over the life of the particle from colour1 to colour2 (changing) or having each particle choose a permanent colour from those specified (mixed). Note that "alpha" has a start and end value so you can make particles fade out or in over their lifetime on the screen.

Particle Life
The lifetime of a particle is the time it takes, in steps, from the moment it is created to the moment it disappears from the screen. With this action you specify the particle and a minimum and maximum lifetime or your particles, with each individual particle having a life somewhere within that range. If you wish them all to have the same lifetime then set both values to be the same.

Particle Speed
This action not only sets the speed of the particle but also its direction and whether or not it is affected by friction (causing it to slowdown over time). As with all other particle actions, you must first select a particle type for the action to work on and then set the maximum and minimum speeds for the particles to be created with. Finally you set a directional range too, based on the standard GameMaker: Studio angles system, with 0 being right, 90 up, 180 left and 270 down and you can also set the friction for your particle (normally a small value like 0.05).

Particle Gravity
Particles can be affected by gravity too, so with this action you can select the particle type it has to affect and also the amount and the direction that it should "pull". The direction is based on the standard GameMaker: Studio angles system, with 0 being right, 90 up, 180 left and 270 down.

Particle Secondary
This action allows you to tell a particle to emit other particles at different times. The options are outlined below:

Create Emitter
Once you have created your particle you will want to see it in the room, and when using actions the only way to do that is to use an emitter. An emitter is just another part of the particle system whose sole purpose is to emit particles based on the parameters that you have defined for it. These parameters are the name (id) of the emitter, the shape of the emitter (an ellipse or a rectangle) and the coordinates within the room of the emitter. The coordinates are defined by four parameters, and xmin and an xmax, and a ymin and a ymax, so for example, if you want to emit particles over your whole room you would have the xmin equal 0, the xmax equal the room width and the ymin equal 0 and the ymax equal the room height.

Destroy Emitter
Like other things in a particle system, emitters take up memory and when one is no longer needed it should be destroyed using this action.

Burst From Emitter
Particles can be either burst or streamed from an emitter, which means that they are all created at once (burst) or they are created over a set number of steps (streamed). This action controls the bursting of particles and should be placed in any event where you need to create a group of particles at once (like in a mouse button event, for example). You choose the emitter to use, the particle type to burst and the number of those particles that should be emitted. Note too that you can use a negative number for the amount of particles to burst, which means that, for example, if you have a value of -10 then there is a one in ten chance that a particle will be emitted.

Stream From Emitter
Particles can be either burst or streamed from an emitter, which means that they are all created at once (burst) or they are created over a set number of steps (streamed). This action controls the streaming of particles and should only normally be used once in any instance. You choose the emitter to use, the particle type to stream and the number of those particles that should be emitted every step of the game while the emitter exists. Note too that you can use a negative number for the amount of particles to stream, which means that, for example, if you have a value of -10 then there is a one in ten chance that a particle will be emitted each step.

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