
Set the Windows 8 Live Tile template to be used by other Windows 8 functions.



Argument Description
template The template that the live tile notification should use (a string, see Live Tile Templates)

Returns: N/A


To create a Live Tile notification you must use several GameMaker: Studiofunctions, starting with this one. This function takes a "template" and prepares GameMaker: Studio to fill it with the necessary information (using the rest of the Live Tile functions), before pushing it to Windows 8 using the win8_livetile_notification_end() function.

You can find a list of templates here and a complete overview for each one can be found from the Microsoft help pages here.

Live Tile notifications can be queued so that they show one after another, but to do that you must define each of them individually using the Windows 8 functions calling the "begin" and "end" functions each time (you can't call "begin" and then define 4 different notifications then "end" to push them to Windows 8).

NOTE: You can only queue up to 5 Live Tile notifications, and you must have activated queuing with the function win8_livetile_queue_enable.


var expiryTime;
expiryTime = date_current_datetime();
expiryTime = date_inc_minute(expiryTime, 5);
win8_livetile_notification_text_add("Current Score = " + string(score));
win8_livetile_notification_image_add("ms-appx:///" + working_directory + "ScoreTile.png");

The above code will push a new Live Tile notification through to Windows 8, with some text and an image, and the tile will be shown for 5 minutes.

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