
Sets a tag that should be excluded from the UGC query.


steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(ugc_query_handle , long_description);

Argument Description
ugc_query_handle The query handle to use.
long_description Whether to have the query return the long description text.

Returns: Boolean


This function can be used to further filter any given UGC query, specifically to retrieve the long description text in the call back event triggered when the query was sent. The query handle is the value returned when you created the query (using, for example, steam_ugc_create_query_user()) and the second argument is either true or false. The function will return true if the query filter was correctly set, or false otherwise.


var query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all(ugc_query_RankedByVote, ugc_match_Items, 1);
steam_ugc_query_set_return_long_description(query_handle, true);
steam_ugc_query_set_allow_cached_response(query_handle, true);
query_ID = steam_ugc_send_query(query_handle);

The above code creates a query request and stores it's handle in a local variable for future use in the rest of the functions which further define the query request before sending the query.

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