
Create a more general UGC query, specifying creator and consumer details.


steam_ugc_create_query_all_ex(query_type, match_type, page, creator_app_id, consumer_app_id);

Argument Description
query_type The type of data query to create (see constants listed below).
match_type The type of UGC items to query (see constants listed below).
page The page number to query.
creator_app_id The item creator app ID.
consumer_app_id The consumer app ID.

Returns: Query Handle


This function can be used to query the UGC data base. The function requires the ID of the game that is going to consume the item and/or the ID of the game that created the item, and you need to use the following constants for the type of query to create, the type of item to query and the page number to quer. Note that a query will return a maximum number of 50 items.

Query Type Constant Description
ugc_query_RankedByVote See the Steam Documentation.
ugc_query_RankedByPublicationDate -
ugc_query_AcceptedForGameRankedByAcceptanceDate -
ugc_query_RankedByTrend -
ugc_query_FavoritedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate -
ugc_query_CreatedByFriendsRankedByPublicationDate -
ugc_query_RankedByNumTimesReported -
ugc_query_CreatedByFollowedUsersRankedByPublicationDate -
ugc_query_NotYetRated -
ugc_query_RankedByTotalVotesAsc -
ugc_query_RankedByVotesUp -
ugc_query_RankedByTextSearch -
Match Type Constant Description
ugc_match_Items See the Steam Documentation.
ugc_match_Items_Mtx -
ugc_match_Items_ReadyToUse -
ugc_match_Collections -
ugc_match_Artwork -
ugc_match_Videos -
ugc_match_Screenshots -
ugc_match_AllGuides -
ugc_match_WebGuides -
ugc_match_IntegratedGuides -
ugc_match_UsableInGame -
ugc_match_ControllerBindings -

The function returns a unique query handle value which should be stored in a variable for use in the other query functions. Note that this function only prepares the query but does not actually send it - for that you must call the function steam_ugc_send_query - and you can use further steam_ugc_query_*() functions to refine the search request before it is actually sent.


query_handle = steam_ugc_create_query_all_ex(ugc_query_RankedByVote, page, global.AccountID, 0, global.GameID);

The above code creates a query request and stores it's handle in a variable for future use.

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