
Set the ARGB values for the vertex.


vertex_argb(buffer, argb);

Argument Description
buffer The buffer to write the information to.
a The alpha value for the colour (0 - 255).
r The red component part of a colour (0 - 255).
g The green component part of a colour (0 - 255).
b The blue component part of a colour (0 - 255).

Returns: N/A


This function will set the ARGB values for the vertex currently being defined for the custom primitive. You supply the buffer to write the data into as well as the red, green, blue and alpha values that you wish to use as a single 32-bit unsigned integer - alpha sample in the highest 8 bits, followed by the red sample, green sample and finally the blue sample in the lowest 8 bits. You can use hex notation ($AARRGGBB) a real number or use any of the make_colour_*() functions to define the colour value.


vertex_argb(buff, $FFFFFFFF);

The above code will set the ARGB values of the vertex being defined to white.

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