
Creates a new room.



Returns: Real


This function will create a new, empty, room and add it to your game, returning its index to be stored in a variable for all further codes that deal with this room.

NOTE: New rooms are not part of usual room ordering, so they do not have a "previous" or "next" room (meaning that the functions room_next and room_previous will not work). To jump from the added room to another, you must use the index of the room itself.


global.myroom = room_add();
room_set_width(global.myroom, 640);
room_set_height(global.myroom, 480);
room_set_persistent(global.myroom, false);

This will create a new room and store its index in the variable "global.myroom". It will then set its width to 640 pixels, its height to 480 pixels, and its persistence to false.

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Next: room_duplicate
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