
This function returns a different value depending on the browser or device language.



Returns: String


This function returns a string with the two letter Language Code for the OS that is running the game, as set by the ISO639 standard. If the information is not available, it will hold simply an empty string "", or "en" for "English" language. Note that some languages also have a relevant Regional Code too, so to distinguish between different regions of the same country use the function os_get_region().

The following table shows some of the main two letter language codes as defined by ISO 639:

Language Code
Arabic ar
Chinese zh
Danish da
English en
French fr
German de
Greek el
Italian it
Japanese ja
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Russian ru
Spanish es
Swedish sv

NOTE: This is not the location country code that is returned, but the language code of the OS!


switch (os_get_language())
   case "es": ini_open("spanish.ini"); break;
   case "fr": ini_open("french.ini"); break;
   case "it": ini_open("italian.ini"); break;
   default: ini_open("english.ini"); break;

The above code checks the OS language and opens a different *.ini file depending on the returned value.

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