
Returns a random real number between 0 and n.



Argument Description
n The upper range from which the random number will be selected.

Returns: Real


This function is good for probabilities where returning an integer (whole number) is not necessary. For example, random(100) will return a value from 0 to 99, but that value can be 22.56473! You can also use real numbers and not integers in this function like this - random(0.5), which will return a value between 0 and 0.4999999.

NOTE: This function will return the same value every time the game is run afresh due to the fact that GameMaker: Studio generates the same initial random seed every time to make debugging code a far easier task. To avoid this behaviour use randomize at the start of your game.


if random(10) >= 9
   score += 100;

This will produce approximately a one in ten chance of adding 100 to the score.

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