
Allows you to track the status of the in app purchasing system.



Returns: Constant


This function allows you to track the status of the GameMaker: Studio in app purchasing system and returns one of the following constants:

Constant Description
iap_status_uninitialised in app purchases have not been activated for your game.
iap_status_unavailable There is no connection available to the target store.
iap_status_loading A connection to the target store exits and is being activated.
iap_status_available Purchases have been activated and the target store is available.
iap_status_processing There is currently communication between the game and the target store, like when (for example) making a purchase or when restoring a purchase, etc...
iap_status_restoring On the iOS target, this can be returned while your game is attempting to restore purchases.


status = iap_status();

The above code requests the store status for the current game, and stores it in a variable for checking.

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