Argument | Description |
animname | The name (a string) of the animation set to use. |
Returns: N/A
Once you have assigned a skeletal animation sprite to your
instance, you can then define which animation set it should
use at any given time with this function. When you created your
sprite (in Spine) you will have defined multiple animations sets
for different states and named each of them appropriately. These
names are what you will use to tell GameMaker: Studio which
animation set to use at any time in your game. For example, if your
sprite is for a platform game, then you may have a "jump" set, a
"run" set and an "idle" set all contained within the one sprite and
you can switch between them in your game using this function.
Note that setting a new animation in this way will reset the
image_index to 0, starting the new animation set from the
beginning of its animation loop. If this is not the desired
behaviour, then you can set a "mix" value using skeleton_animation_mix
and when you set a new animation it will be smoothly interpolated
with the previous set. You should also make sure to have a keyframe
at the beginning of every animation to prevent data from being
held-over from previous animations, unless you plan on using
separate animation tracks.
IMPORTANT: Spine integration in GameMaker: Studio is a Pro licence feature and will not work in the Free/Standard versions.
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_space)
if skeleton_animation_get() != "jump"
The above code will change the animation set being used to the "jump" set when the space key is pressed, but only if the current set being used is not already "jump".