
Set the global sound and music volume for a specific listener.


audio_set_master_gain(listenerIndex, gain);

Argument Description
listenerIndex The index of the listener to set the gain on.
gain Value for the global volume (0 to 1).

Returns: N/A


With this function you can set the absolute value for the global volume of all sounds and music for a specific listener. The default listener index is 0, but you can use the function audio_get_listener_info to get the different indices available for the target platform. The gain value is based on a linear scale from 0 (silent) to 1 (full volume) and will affect the relative volume of all sounds and music played from within your game through that listener.


var num = audio_get_listener_count();
for( var i = 0; i < num; i++;)
   var info = audio_get_listener_info(i);
   audio_set_master_gain(info[? "index"], 0.75);

The above code loops through the available listeners and then sets their master gain to 0.75.

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