
Sets the model on which all falloff values will be calculated.



Argument Description
model The constant used to set the falloff model.

Returns: N/A


To add more versatility to the audio engine, GameMaker: Studio permits you to select the falloff model that suits your game. This model will be used for all the audio functions in the game or app, and so you should make sure that the model you choose is the correct one, as each one will affect how the listener perceives the sounds you play through emitters or with the function audio_play_sound_at.

When setting falloff in your game with the appropriate functions there are three arguments that you will need to set, and each one is appropriate to a specific, model and will affect the way the final sound is "heard" by the player depending on the distance that the listener is from the source. The three arguments are:

The falloff models that are affected by these arguments are represented in GameMaker: Studio by the following constants (the table shows the exact calculations used too):

Constant Function
gain = (listener_distance / reference_distance) ^ (-falloff_factor)

distance = clamp(listener_distance, reference_distance, maximum_distance)
gain = (distance / reference_distance) ^ (-falloff_factor)

gain = reference_distance / (reference_distance + falloff_factor * (listener_distance – reference_distance))

distance = clamp(listener_distance, reference_distance, maximum_distance)
gain = reference_distance / (reference_distance + falloff_factor * (distance – reference_distance))

distance = min(distance, maximum_distance)
gain = (1 – falloff_factor * (distance – reference_distance) / (maximum_distance – reference_distance))

distance = clamp(listener_distance, reference_distance, maximum_distance)
gain = (1 – falloff_factor * (distance – reference_distance) / (maximum_distance – reference_distance))

gain = 1

The following graphs are visual representations of how the above constants work and affect the sound being played:


audio_play_sound_at(snd_Waterfall, x, y, 0, 100, 300, 1, true, 1);

The above code sets the falloff model and then plays the sound indexed in the variable "snd_Waterfall", which will be looped at its room position, with a fall-off reference of 100, a falloff distance of 300, a falloff factor of 1 and a low priority.

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