
Goes to the next line of the text file



Argument Description
fileid The id of the file to read from.

Returns: string


With this function you can skip the remainder of the current line from a given opened text file and move to the start of the next one. The function will also return the full line as a string, making it an easy way to read complete "chunks" of data for parsing later.


var i, file;
file = file_text_open_read(working_directory + "\hiscore.txt");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1)
   scr[i] = file_text_read_real(file);
   scr_name[i] = file_text_read_string(file);

The above code opens a file for reading and then loops through the lines of the file reading alternately a real number value and a string into two different arrays for future use. The file is then closed when the loop has finished.

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