
Build a 4x4 matrix from the given input values.


matrix_build(x, y, z, xrotation, yrotation, zrotation, xscale, yscale, zscale)

Argument Description
x The x component of the translation vector.
y The y component of the translation vector.
z The z component of the translation vector.
xrotation The angle to rotate around the x-axis.
yrotation The angle to rotate around the y-axis.
xzotation The angle to rotate around the z-axis.
xscale The x scale amount.
yscale The y scale amount.
zscale The z scale amount.

Returns: Array


This function can be used to create your own custom matrix and will return an index value for this new matrix which should be stored in a variable for future reference and use. The matrix itself is created as 16 value 1D array where the first values are column 1, second 4 values are column2 etc... of a 4x4 matrix.

NOTE: When you build a new matrix in this way the order of operation is YXZ.


m_array = matrix_build(x, y, 0, 0, 90, 0, 1, 2, 1);

The above code will build a new matrix transform and store the resulting array in the variable "m_array".

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