
Multiplies the contents of the cells in a source grid with the cells in a destination grid.


ds_grid_multiply_grid_region(index, source, x1, y1, x2, y2, xpos, ypos);

Argument Description
index The index of the destination grid.
source The index of the source grid.
x1 The left position of the region of cells to copy from the source grid.
y1 The top position of the region of cells to copy from the source grid.
x2 The right position of the region of cells to copy from the source grid.
y2 The bottom position of the region of cells to copy from the source grid.
xpos The x position on the destination grid to multiply the source region with.
ypos The y position on the destination grid to multiply the source region with.

Returns: N/A


With this function you can define an area within a given ds_grid, then take those values and multiply them with those found in a separate region of either the same ds_grid, or another one (which has been previously created). The original region will remain unchanged, while the region that they have been multiplied with will now store the new values for each cell.


ds_grid_multiply_grid_region(mygrid, mygrid, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0);

This would take the region of cells from (0,0) to (5,5) of the ds_grid "mygrid" and multiply them with the cells from position (0,0) of the same ds_grid.

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