
Returns the value of a cell in a grid.


ds_grid_get(index, x, y);

Argument Description
index The index of the grid.
x The x position of the cell you want to find the value of.
y The y position of the cell you want to find the value of.

Returns: Real or String


This function can be used to get the value (either a real number or a string) from any cell within the given ds_grid. If you pass invalid grid coordinates to the function, then the value returned will be 0.


var xx, yy;
xx = irandom(ds_grid_width(grid) - 1);
yy = irandom(ds_grid_height(grid) - 1);
val = ds_grid_get(xx, yy);

The above code selects a random cell from the ds_grid indexed in the variable "grid" and stores its value in the variable "val".

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