Obsolete Registry Functions

These functions are for dealing with the Windows registry

Function List:

Function Description
registry_write_string Creates an entry in the registry with the given name and string value.
registry_write_real Creates an entry in the registry with the given name and real value.
registry_write_string_ext Creates an entry in the key in the registry with the given name and string value.
registry_write_real_ext Creates an entry in the key in the registry with the given name and real value.
registry_read_string Returns the string that the given name holds. The name must exist, otherwise an empty string is returned.
registry_read_real Returns the real value that the given name holds. The name must exist, otherwise the number 0 is returned.
registry_read_string_ext Returns the string that the given name in the indicated key holds. The name must exist, otherwise an empty string is returned.
registry_read_real_ext Returns the real value that the given name in the indicated key holds. The name must exist, otherwise the number 0 is returned.
registry_exists Returns whether the given name exists.
registry_exists_ext Returns whether the given name exists in the given key.
registry_set_root Sets the root for the other routines, where: 0 = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 1 = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 2 = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and 3 = HKEY_USERS.

Why These Are Obsolete

Apart from these being Windows only functions and so incompatible with all other devices, these functions can also be considered a security problem as their misuse can cause serious issues with Windows based computers.

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