Local Variables

A local variable is one that we declare first, then use, and then discard.

A local variable is one that we create for a specific event only and then discard when the event has finished (the only exception to this is in the script resources, where a var declared variable is local to the script and then discarded). Why would we need them? Well, variables take up space in memory and it may be that we are only going to use them for one operation or function in which case we only need to have it in memory for that short time that it's used. This keeps your code base clean and tidy as well as keeping memory space optimised for the things that really need it. To declare a local variable we use the function var like this:

var i, num, str;
i = 0;
num = 24.5;
str = "Hi there!";

All of the variables created above will be "forgotten" (ie: removed from memory) at the end of the event (or script) in which they were created. You must be careful that the name you give var declared variables does not coincide with another instance variable within the object running the code, and also make sure that you have no intention of using the value stored in that variable outside of the event declare it in. These variables are used a lot in programs, especially in loops for counting iterations, or when using a value several times in one operation that is not going to be repeated again. Here are another couple of examples:

var i = 0;
repeat (10)
   inventory[i] = 0;

The above code creates a local variable called "i" and sets it to 0, all in the same line. Note that in previous versions of GameMaker you had to declare your local variables first and then assign them values, but in this version you can declare and assign them a value at the same time. The above code then uses this variable to initialize an array. As the variable "i" is not going to be used for any further functions in the instance other than this, it can be local in scope. Here is one more example:

var xx,yy;
xx = x - 32 +irandom(64);
yy = y - 32 +irandom(64);
instance_create(xx, yy, obj_blood);

Here we have used the local variables to store some random coordinates that we then use to create an instance. In this example you can see that it is not strictly necessary that we use these variables but for the sake of readability and ease of use, we do. It is MUCH clearer and obvious what we are doing there than if we used this code:

instance_create(x - 32 + irandom(64), y - 32 + irandom(64), obj_guts);

One other thing about var declared variables should be noted... As they are unique to the event that runs them, they can be used in any other instances through code too! This means that we can use these variables to set and change things in other instances using the "with()" construct (there is a section on this in the GML Overview section of the manual). The actual code itself would look something like this:

var num = instance_number(obj_Enemy);
with (obj_Enemy)
   if num>10 instance_destroy();

The above code works because the var declared variable is local to the event (or script) it is contained in, not the instance, nor the game world, and so can be used in any function in any object as long as it is in the same code block.

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