Legacy Extensions

Here you can find out how to add GEX extensions to GameMaker: Studio.

You can add a GEX legacy extension straight into your project resource tree y right clicking on the extension resource and selecting Import Extension (you will need to change the file selector to point to GEX files), which will open the following window: In this form you can indicate which GEX extension packages must be used in the game you are making. On the left there is the list of Used packages and on the right is the list of Available packages, and to move a package from one list to the other, simply select it and press the button between the lists. When selecting a package a short description is usually given at the bottom (but not always if the package has been made by third party developers), and further help may also be available by pressing the Help button.

To install new GEX packages or uninstall existing GEX packages, press the Install button and the following window will open: You can see a list of all extension packages available (these are stored by default in the "Extensions" folder of the root directory where you have GameMaker: Studio installed). By selecting a package and clicking the Uninstall button the package is removed from the system, and pressing install will open a standard load file window where you can select a new package from your computer to make available within GameMaker: Studio.

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