Collision Event
Obviously when making a game, it is very important that you know
when two (or more) instances of an object have collided, and for
that we have the collision event. This is an event that you place
in an object and then specify against which other object you should
be checking for collisions.
Now, when you don't have physics turned on, these collisions
will be calculated based on the mask of the two objects (the mask
is defined within the sprite properties, or can be assigned
independently in the object properties) and whether they over-lap
or not. Note, that if one or the other instances in the collision
does not have a mask assigned (or the sprite mask is set to
nothing), even if it is drawing something no collisions will be
detected. Also, if the object being collided with is solid,
before the collision event code is run the instance is
placed back at its previous position before the collision was
registered, but only if there is a collision event defined.
If you have physics on, the collision will be based on the
type of collision shape that you have defined for the object in its
physics properties, as will its reaction to the collision.